My Other Pet

My Other Pet

My Pet(s)

My Pet(s)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Easter coming Up

Never celebrated Easter much since moving here.  I always felt that the emphasis was to be on Christ, not the Easter Bunny.  I relented one year when my daughter was younger and bought her a plush bunny that turned inside-out to become a silk egg.  I placed it beside her bed and using flour, placed my fingers together to form bunny tracks leading from her bed to the door, where they just disappeared!  She was amazed and had a lot of fun trying to figure out how the tracks mysteriously vanished.  That was the only time I celebrated that way.  The main plus for me is the Easter cantata which I usually have a solo to sing, and a new Easter outfit.  I bought a new dress this year, the first one in the last several years especially for Easter.  I have a solo to practice for - but not hopeful so far, judging from my rehearsals.    I think I miss the Easter egg hunts for the children when I was growing up.  Although I still believe that the main focus should be on the "reason for the season" which is Christ and his sacrifice and victory.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Balancing Act

I started with 1 blog and somehow ended up with 4.  Two were created when I made a name change.  Not sure why that happens when you are working within the DESIGN or EDIT  feature of your original blog.  So far, the only one who has read anything I have posted is my daughter and two friends.  I thought that the search engines would find you using the key words in your title.  One of my blogs deals with a health issue - so I had wanted to share my thoughts and struggles there, but in a more protected fashion.  But I still don't see any followers or comments.  Downer.  Right now - I am primarly using Transplanted Kentuckian and the other health-related one.  This one is more regional for me since I mention more of my background during childhood.  The Transplanted Kentuckian is to relate more of my personal thoughts and experiences as a previously unsophisticated kid from Kentucky.  This is NOT a slam on Kentucky - I love being from there and love all my roots there.  It is just that my life is so different since I first married and moved to different states, finally settling in California.  No one in my immediate family (parents / siblings) had even gone beyond high school or traveled outside the U.S.  I have spent a month in the Philippines, visited Tokyo for a few hours (we took a LONG bus ride to the hotel and watched sumo wrestling for a few hours between flights).  We stopped over in Seoul, Korea on the way over and Tokyo on the way back.  May not sound like much, but before age 16, I had never been anywhere other than Kentucky or Tennessee and Indiana, where I lived.
Getting off subject - but I think that that is something about BLOGS that I like - you can ramble.  It's like a diary that you don't mind sharing with everyone.

Friday, February 11, 2011

McDonald's new oatmeal

Has anyone tried this yet?  I'm actually thinking about hiring an attorney to sue for false advertising.  The pictures are NOWHERE near what this item looks like.  It is INSTANT oatmeal mix.  The first one I ordered - they added too much water and it looked like soup.  I asked for it to be redone and this time is was the consistancy of babyfood rice cereal, slightly pinkish and a few lumps from the fruit that was added.  I threw it out without even tasting it - it looked so hideous.  I called their corporate headquarters to leave feedback and I received a basic form letter back with GUESS WHAT!  A coupon for a FREE OATMEAL.  Talk about disconnect!   I buy frozen oatmeal from Trader Joe's that is 10x better.  I even told corporate when I called first about the frozen oatmeal being good and asked why they didn't go that route instead of this stuff that looks like babyfood vomit in a cup.  Let me know your experiences with this product - has anyone ever gotten any that even looks close to the picture they advertise?


Since the beginning of 2011 - I have spent more days on crutches than off.  Finally got mobile again (still struggling with stairs) and then Wed. morning - BAM!  I was leaning over to pick up Jasmine our kitty and SUDDENLY my back went out.  BUT the good news is that I am doing pretty well 2 days later.  The last time my back went out like this - I was bedridden for 3-1/2 weeks.  Today I can get around without the crutches.  Kind of a catch-22 - need to strengthen my back muscles to prevent things like this from happening - but can't do much until I get better.  Supposed to get some physical therapy soon.  Could have been much worse - so I am thankful.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Our church has experimented with streaming video of our services and other events at  One of the vids features myself, Richard (my husband), and our pastor practicing music for a service.  We had NO idea what we would be doing that evening until we showed up.  So my appearance is not what I would have like to present to the worldwide web.  But, ce la gere (not sure if this is spelled  right).  If you want to view the items there - go to and type anionted in the SEARCH BOX.  It is deliberately misspelled by our pastor to make it unique.  One of my internet friends in Germany has viewed it already.  We have several older members who are housebound - so this will be a nice way to keep them up-to-date with the services.  It is not fully operational yet - so there may not be much there yet.  Again, keep in mind - this is a SMALL church - but they have a big heart.  So please be kind in comments please.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Drat That Devil - But Praise to God

They say attacks from the enemy mean you're doing something right.  Tonight it looked like he was really trying to mess things up.  God is moving in a mighty way in our small church and apparently the enemy wants to slow us down. And I do mean the TRUE enemy, not a brother or sister in Christ who is simply doing their best from moment to moment.   Fortunately, God is bigger and things that sometimes seem like a mess up - is actually His hand at work.   Have been small tensions building and tonight things came to a head.  But that was a good thing - God was able to bring out some things that had been said that were not true and we were able to talk and pray and leave in a better place than when we arrived.  I learned that we all need to be there for each other - some have had heavy burdens and were trying to carry them without help from the family of God.  Me included - but God is showing that we need to reach out and let others be there for us.  I know that when my own brothers and sisters lean on me - it usually makes me stronger since I know that they need me.  I want so much for all of us to be bound together in a love that is real.  It might seem unrealistic to some to want everyone to love each other - but I know that it IS possible with God.  If any of them read this - I truly love you with His love and want only the best for each of us.